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Delivery & Payment

After placing the order in the basket, our manager will check the availability of the order, then will contact you during the working day by calling or sending sms to the mobile number you specified in the order.

We have 2 delivery methods:

1. Pickup

You can personally pick up your order in our store. Pre-check the availability of the goods from our manager by phone +38 (096) 237-52-58.

The shop is located in the Kyiv city, st. Kyoto, 25 (Kyiv Racket Sports Park), opening hours: Mon-Fri from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; Sat-Sun 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

2. Delivery through the company "Novaya Pochta".

Delivery of orders in Ukraine is carried out by the transport company Novaya Pochta (New Mail).

The cost of delivery is calculated according to the tariffs and depends on the weight and size (volume) of the package. Delivery is paid by the Client.

Orders can be paid in the following ways:

  • Transfer of funds to PrivatBank card. DO NOT forget to take into account the 1% bank commission;
  • Cash at pickup from the store;
  • You can make a payment using the Privat24 system, or through the PrivatBank payment terminal;
  • Postpay if the parcel is delivered by transport company Novaya Pochta;
  • Payment through the cash desk of any bank on the invoice. The invoice will be sent to you by the manager upon request.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, before making a payment through the card, be sure to wait for the manager's call. Confirmation of the availability of goods - required before payment.